the sound-waves

More than 20 years of acting and performing arts experience.
Lively & playful character voices   *   Versed in social sciences jargon 

A deep and soulful female voice in three languages and a host of characters

  • Arabic (classical & Levantine)
  • English (standard/international & American & Arab-American)
  • Dutch (with a foreign accent you just can’t place)

Voice actor

Lana’s voice can be warm like a summer night‘s embrace, full of mystery and beauty, but she can also channel the vulgarity of a street fight full of violence and horror. She is an amazing performer and she will do your work proud.

Laura Langford, GAA Productions 2022

To narrate books and documentaries with meaningful content and positive messages. To give voice to unforgettable characters. To voice socially and environmentally responsible advertisements and programming.

Professional home studio

Mojave 50
Shure SM7B
Zoom H5

Voice over * narration

“Lana is a very professional voice talent! She not only has a beautiful voice, but she goes beyond what is expected. We are very pleased to have her as part of our team!”

Recent Projects

ألف ليلة وليلة: الموسم الثامن
One thousand and one nights: 8th season on SOWT podcasts

Performing the leading role Dalila, a woman sly as a fox. The story of Dalila is further delved into in the BONUS – subscription.

SOWT: ألف ليلة وليلة

Audiobook narration [ARABIC]
Ebrah wa kusthubaan (Needle & Thimble)
إبرة وكشتبان

Co-produced with SOW podcast.
Safahat Sowt

The Dream-mapping project [English] – collaboration
Voicing, narrating and at times performing in the flesh (2016-current)
More information about DMP + video clips @

ARABIC Samples
Mixed demo
Literature Short stories
Documentary Medley
Character voices
Guided meditation
Mixed Demo
